DDCE Lightning Prevention Technology

DDCE Lightning Prevention Technology

Supplier in lightning prevention services and solutions.

About Thunder Energy Solutions And Lighting Dome Prevention

Thunder Energy Solutions, is a supplier of lightning prevention products, services and solutions. The TES team works closely with our customers applications and platforms to get the right specifications on their project. Thunder Energy Solutions provides various lighting prevention products. The idea of TES is to revolutionize lightning protection systems. 

About Thunder Energy Solutions And Lighting Dome Prevention

Thunder Energy Solutions, is a supplier of lightning prevention products, services and solutions. The TES team works closely with our customers applications and platforms to get the right specifications on their project. Thunder Energy Solutions provides various lighting prevention products. The idea of TES is to revolutionize lightning protection systems. 

Our Lighting Prevention Products

Our Lighting Prevention Products

DDCE 50 plus

Protection system against atmospheric discharges and electromagnetic protection that prevents the impact of lightning on the structure it protects. The protection design is based on the installation of the DDCE 50 Plus in the areas where the waves can be coupled or in the areas where the interference can be generated. In this case, the protection radius of the DDCE 50 plus may also be 50 m, provided that the regulatory requirements are met. The DDCE 50 plus is recommended for installation in all types of ground structures.

DDCE 50 plus

Protection system against atmospheric discharges and electromagnetic protection that prevents the impact of lightning on the structure it protects. The protection design is based on the installation of the DDCE 50 Plus in the areas where the waves can be coupled or in the areas where the interference can be generated. In this case, the protection radius of the DDCE 50 plus may also be 50 m, provided that the regulatory requirements are met. The DDCE 50 plus is recommended for installation in all types of ground structures.

DDCE 100 plus

Protection system against atmospheric discharges and electromagnetic protection that prevents the impact of lightning on the structure it protects. Unique and effective system for the protection of external electromagnetic pulses (absorbs the PEM between 60 and 90% minimizing the damage by indirect effects). In this case, the protection radius of the DDCE 100 Plus can also be 100 m, provided that the regulatory requirements are met. The DDCE 100 plus is recommended to be installed in all types of ground structures.

DDCE 100 plus

Protection system against atmospheric discharges and electromagnetic protection that prevents the impact of lightning on the structure it protects. Unique and effective system for the protection of external electromagnetic pulses (absorbs the PEM between 60 and 90% minimizing the damage by indirect effects). In this case, the protection radius of the DDCE 100 Plus can also be 100 m, provided that the regulatory requirements are met. The DDCE 100 plus is recommended to be installed in all types of ground structures.

Dinfil Filter

The DNNFT model dinfil ground filter is a high reactance filter for protection against high frequency ground induced surges from atmospheric discharges, electromagnetic pulses and other sources. Unique and effective system for the protection of high frequency surges induced by earth in all types of structures. The dinfil is recommended to be installed in all types of structures.

Dinfil Filter

The DNNFT model dinfil ground filter is a high reactance filter for protection against high frequency ground induced surges from atmospheric discharges, electromagnetic pulses and other sources. Unique and effective system for the protection of high frequency surges induced by earth in all types of structures. The dinfil is recommended to be installed in all types of structures.

DDCE Marine

A passive system for capturing electrostatic currents in time, which drifts them to land. Its operating principle is based on balancing or compensating the variable electric field in its environment, preventing the generation of the upward tracer in the DDCE Marine and in the marine vessel it protects. The DDCE Marine is recommended for all types of off-shore vessels.

DDCE Marine

A passive system for capturing electrostatic currents in time, which drifts them to land. Its operating principle is based on balancing or compensating the variable electric field in its environment, preventing the generation of the upward tracer in the DDCE Marine and in the marine vessel it protects. The DDCE Marine is recommended for all types of off-shore vessels.

DDCE Chemical

Protection system against atmospheric discharges and electromagnetic protection that prevents the impact of lightning on the structure it protects. Unique and effective system for the protection of external electromagnetic pulses (absorbs the PEM between 60 and 90% minimizing the damage by indirect effects). In this case, the protection radius of the DDCE chemical may also be 100 m, provided that the regulatory requirements are met. DDCE chemical is recommended for all types of installations in saline and corrosive environments.

DDCE Chemical

Protection system against atmospheric discharges and electromagnetic protection that prevents the impact of lightning on the structure it protects. Unique and effective system for the protection of external electromagnetic pulses (absorbs the PEM between 60 and 90% minimizing the damage by indirect effects). In this case, the protection radius of the DDCE chemical may also be 100 m, provided that the regulatory requirements are met. DDCE chemical is recommended for all types of installations in saline and corrosive environments.

DDCE 100 Plus UL

Protection system against atmospheric discharges and electromagnetic protector that avoids the impact of lightning on the structure it protects. Unique and effective system for the protection of external electromagnetic pulses (absorbs the PEM between 60 and 90% minimizing damage from indirect effects). In this case, the protection radius of the DDCE 100 plus UL can also be 100 m, provided that the regulatory requirements are met.

DDCE 100 Plus UL

Protection system against atmospheric discharges and electromagnetic protector that avoids the impact of lightning on the structure it protects. Unique and effective system for the protection of external electromagnetic pulses (absorbs the PEM between 60 and 90% minimizing damage from indirect effects). In this case, the protection radius of the DDCE 100 plus UL can also be 100 m, provided that the regulatory requirements are met.

Dinco Connector

The DNNF model dinco connector is a protection element that minimises the high frequency induced surges derived from atmospheric discharges, electromagnetic pulses and other origins, which may appear on the downstream cable of the DDCE. Its installation is recommended in all those structures whose exposure to this type of surge is not significant.

Dinco Connector

The DNNF model dinco connector is a protection element that minimises the high frequency induced surges derived from atmospheric discharges, electromagnetic pulses and other origins, which may appear on the downstream cable of the DDCE. Its installation is recommended in all those structures whose exposure to this type of surge is not significant.

Why Choose Us

Thunder Energy Solutions engineers provide innovative solutions to meet our customers material needs and inventory management requirements. TES has developed strategic alliances and sourcing arrangements to provide quality products to our customers. 

Premium Support

TES staff is always available for questions on products and services, for an optimal customer support experience.

Product Quality

TES has high quality standards to deliver lightning prevention and customer specifications for their products.

Quality Engineering

The TES engineering professionals are committed to provide excellence in quality services and solutions for our customers.